Hugo Chavez on election rally in Macarao, just before 2006 presidential elections in Venezuela.
Boys from Cordinadora Simon Bolivar – an association that runs community activities, taking care of security in barrio 23st Enero.
Barrio Petare, a place where Chavez has the biggest support.
Chavez speaks of Jesus as the first real revolutionary, Petare barrio.
The Bolivarian school in barrio 23rd Enero where 270 children from the community attend primary school program in daytime, while in the evening high school education – Mission Ribas is taking place.
Female workers in a textile cooperative Venezuela Avanza. Many haven’t been employed for long periods, so minimum salary of 200$ means a lot for them and their families, they say.
Aleksandra, 8, visiting a public dentist in Nucleo Endogeno Fabricio Ojeda. Mission Barrio Adentro provides free health care and it improves access to it in the poorer areas.
Venezuelans are impregnated with American culture, especially Caraquenos, among others they love shopping malls and fast food chains.
Centro Endogeno de Agricultura “MI CONUCO 86”, positioned in the middle of Caracas. On a previously abandoned area, the decided to grow and sell vegetables and fruits.
Investigation Police of Policia Metropolitana (PM) on duty in the Antimano area of Caracas where crime is ripe and 20 to 30 lives are lost as result of it every weekend, from Thursday to Friday.
The community hall in barrio San Agustin, Caracas.
Catia, one of most dangerous barrios in Caracas.
Venzuelans spending evening time in the barrio San Agustin, Caracas.
A prisoner inside of male Los Teques jail. The prison is guarded by National Guard, but practically controlled by prisoners themselves. NGO Observatorio Venezolano de Prisiones states that every day a prisoners dies in Venezuelan prisons.
Andrea, 26, mother of four and a victim of domestic violence, Caracas.
The PM on night patrol in one of the most dangerous areas in Caracas, barrio Petare, where almost 3 million people live. Crime has risen in Chavez’s Venezuela, from 20 to 30 people dying every weekend – Thursday to Sunday.
Metropolitan Police on a night patrool chasing criminals in Catia, one of most dangerous barrios in Caracas.
Detaineese in the crowded cell of Antonio Jose Sucre Police Station, Caracas.
Max and his relative in their upper middle class house, celebrating his graduation and his sister’s birthday, Caracas.
Transvestites performing in a Caracas gay club. Since Chavez took power the LGBT community says traditional “macho” environment – police beatings, verbal discrimination – is getting more tolerant towards them.
Socialism of 21st Century
Boy kissing a boy in the Revolution club, Caracas. Chavez introduced a sexual equality program and opened an office inside the government to deal with rights for sexual diversity.
Chavistas on election day, December 3rd 2006, expressing support to president Chavez on his reelection outside Miraflores palace, Caracas.
The last rally of Chavez supporters in Caracas, before 2006 presidential elections in Venezuela
Hugo Chavez supporters on election rally in Macarao before December 3rd 2006 presidential elections in Venezuela.
People squatted empty shacks around the animal slaughterhouse in barrio Coche. Chavez government promised to clean up the place, test water and build a block of apartments, offering it to them with no rent for the first two years.
Venezuelan Ché, one of founders of civil initiative CBR, that promotes socialism with a human face.
Hugo Chavez on election rally in Macarao, just before 2006 presidential elections in Venezuela.
Hugo Chavez on election rally in Macarao, just before 2006 presidential elections in Venezuela.
Boys from Cordinadora Simon Bolivar – an association that runs community activities, taking care of security in barrio 23st Enero.
Barrio Petare, a place where Chavez has the biggest support.
Chavez speaks of Jesus as the first real revolutionary, Petare barrio.
The Bolivarian school in barrio 23rd Enero where 270 children from the community attend primary school program in daytime, while in the evening high school education – Mission Ribas is taking place.
Female workers in a textile cooperative Venezuela Avanza. Many haven’t been employed for long periods, so minimum salary of 200$ means a lot for them and their families, they say.
Aleksandra, 8, visiting a public dentist in Nucleo Endogeno Fabricio Ojeda. Mission Barrio Adentro provides free health care and it improves access to it in the poorer areas.
Venezuelans are impregnated with American culture, especially Caraquenos, among others they love shopping malls and fast food chains.
Centro Endogeno de Agricultura “MI CONUCO 86”, positioned in the middle of Caracas. On a previously abandoned area, the decided to grow and sell vegetables and fruits.
Investigation Police of Policia Metropolitana (PM) on duty in the Antimano area of Caracas where crime is ripe and 20 to 30 lives are lost as result of it every weekend, from Thursday to Friday.
The community hall in barrio San Agustin, Caracas.
Catia, one of most dangerous barrios in Caracas.
Venzuelans spending evening time in the barrio San Agustin, Caracas.
A prisoner inside of male Los Teques jail. The prison is guarded by National Guard, but practically controlled by prisoners themselves. NGO Observatorio Venezolano de Prisiones states that every day a prisoners dies in Venezuelan prisons.
Andrea, 26, mother of four and a victim of domestic violence, Caracas.
The PM on night patrol in one of the most dangerous areas in Caracas, barrio Petare, where almost 3 million people live. Crime has risen in Chavez’s Venezuela, from 20 to 30 people dying every weekend – Thursday to Sunday.
Metropolitan Police on a night patrool chasing criminals in Catia, one of most dangerous barrios in Caracas.
Detaineese in the crowded cell of Antonio Jose Sucre Police Station, Caracas.
Max and his relative in their upper middle class house, celebrating his graduation and his sister’s birthday, Caracas.
Transvestites performing in a Caracas gay club. Since Chavez took power the LGBT community says traditional “macho” environment – police beatings, verbal discrimination – is getting more tolerant towards them.
Socialism of 21st Century
Boy kissing a boy in the Revolution club, Caracas. Chavez introduced a sexual equality program and opened an office inside the government to deal with rights for sexual diversity.
Chavistas on election day, December 3rd 2006, expressing support to president Chavez on his reelection outside Miraflores palace, Caracas.
The last rally of Chavez supporters in Caracas, before 2006 presidential elections in Venezuela
Hugo Chavez supporters on election rally in Macarao before December 3rd 2006 presidential elections in Venezuela.
People squatted empty shacks around the animal slaughterhouse in barrio Coche. Chavez government promised to clean up the place, test water and build a block of apartments, offering it to them with no rent for the first two years.
Venezuelan Ché, one of founders of civil initiative CBR, that promotes socialism with a human face.
Hugo Chavez on election rally in Macarao, just before 2006 presidential elections in Venezuela.